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We feel the Introduction below is just the right length.
But if you're a person who usually prefers a flyby, here it is.
What is our topic?
The clinical entity referred to as "Long-term" COVID-19.
The world is unfortunately learning more and more about the effects of infection in humans by a virus identified as SARS-CoV-2, the cause of the COVID-19 illness. A subgroup of that illness is the present subject.
It is unlikely that at this time, a reader will need more introduction to the viral cause of the present pandemic. Moving directly to the subject at hand seems permissible.
Using an online survey, a growing number of respondents have begun to help formulate a response
to several questions that will be addressed here.
The unifying factor in "Long-term" COVID-19 is that, as the name implies, this illness lasts longer than usual for a respiratory viral illness. Details of that duration of illness will be presented.
But a host of distinguishing factors that portray it as quite different from most viral illnesses will also make their appearance through the answers provided to this questionnaire.
Anyone reading this who feels that they have been suffering with "Long-term" COVID-19, can use the above link to add their input to that of those who have already responded.
The questionnaire was put into use at the end of September, and during October and November generated 136 responses. The following link (Questionnaire Introduction) takes one to a sister site where outreach was originally managed. This to give an idea of how that was initially approached. The figures shown there have since been superceded and are reported here at That introduction included information on planned use of responses obtained, and a link to who directed the survey.
Some preliminary results were also presented on that other site, and these remain of interest.
In presenting results, and through their analysis, not only will this group of patients be more completely and usefully defined, a natural history if you will, but a view on the healthcare systems that exist to diagnose and treat them where possible will also begin to emerge. The patient-physician relationship has two sides.
Patients who have been ill for a surprising length of time, and are struggling with many findings, are often matched to a system of care that seems to be struggling as well. There the challenge may be less one of numbers, as in running out of ICU beds, but more along basic lines: Establidhing a diagnosis, identifying the pathophysiology (or effects) of an illness, and thoughtfully approaching and providing compassionate and effective care.
This is a global illness, with similarities and differences in care and outcomes from one country to the next. And today, some do seem to feel that they have now come through. If not completely, at least nearing the end of their long road through this illness and back to health. Estimates of how many of those with COVID-19 evolve to the "long-term" variant vary greatly in the media and perhaps more dependanble literature: 10% to 20% appear often, with estimates found of up to 50% suffering sequelae of longer than anticipated duration for a respiratory viral illness.
The goal here is centered on one point: to contribute to the what is already known about "Long-term" COVID-19, and through sharing new knowledge, relieve the suffereing where possible of those who are currently affected by this illness.
Click below to better understand the basics of this survey.
Already seen the Questionnaire's structure?
Ready for the Answers?
Click to see some answers >>>>
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But do look around. You may find your answer on your own!