Mitochondria : Get sick sometimes
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And a sick mitochondrion usually, is not a very good thing.
There is even a mitochondrial police force. Constantly on patrol for mitochondria that
aren't feeling well, behaving erraticaly, gotten flimsy, can't maintain their proton geadients, gotten old.
And these valiant old and sick mitochondria are rounded up, isolated in a bubble called a lysosome (there are other bubbles, but 'lysosome' gets the point across), and there they are destroyed.
Lysosomes don't mess around very long. The blade drops. They destroy.
And because the human body is wonderful, the bits and pieces of the now broken up mitochondria that are no longer suffering ill health, are recycled to provide substrate, building blocks, to make new ones.
That's life.
You need ATP. Me too.
So if the machine that makes it gets all feblunget (Yiddish for really confused and a mess), watch out.
In some ways it is fortunate, even if sad, but a fetus with significant errors in the mitochondrial DNA of its still forming cells, will probably not survive to birth. It inherited that mitochondrial DNA from Mom only. None from Dad (200 mito's in the midportion of the sperm's tail, but it doesn't enter the oocyte). We won't blame Mom for the result. In spite of her single fertilized ovum having about 20 000 mito's, some that were donated to form the fetus weren't quite right. The mitochondrai know that: "This will never do !" And it's been going on like that from Mom, back to GrandMa, and yes, to Great GrandMa and before. All the way back to "Mitochondrial Eve." Really? Yes. Google her.
And those with mitochondrial DNA errors that do survive intrauterine development and are born, frequently have a whole list of major problems. Many do not live beyond 2 years of age.
This should not be a stopping point. It simply underlines the primal importance of our mitochondria.
Here are some more sources of information about these unfortunate (though fortunately uncommon: 1 per 10 000 births for example) illnesses.
Now we'll move on. Back to "long-term" COVID-19.
Is "long-term" COVID-19 a mitochondrial disease?
We think so. The coronavirus is sure of what it did, on purpose, but it doesn't care.
It is hyperfocused on everything required to use our mitochondria for the virus's high-energy requiring making of baby viruses. SARS-CoV-2 doesn't carry its own energy source. We're it.
Is there anyone else out there, a bit more human perhaps than a virus who isn't at all human of course, who thinks so? Who thinks that SARS-CoV-2 just clobbers our mitochondria. Hijacks them. Can't wait to do so ???
So, ...
"More info on mitochondrial diseases please." >>>>>
"I'm willing to accept that sick mitochindria are a problem.
Let's see those links of mitochondria to "long-term" COVID-19." >>>>>
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